Let’s collaborate…
nurturing faithful dissidents (aka spiritual coaching)
Curious about how to bring your values and practices into deeper alignment? Looking to catch courage? Longing to tap into spiritual Source to sustain your work for the long haul?
It is my joy and privilege to accompany folks who want to bring their values and practices into alignment for the sake of justice. Together, we will explore your spirituality and consider the strategies that will support you in authentically, courageously and sustainably bringing your whole self to the Divinely inspired, collective project of liberation.
SPEAKING and preaching
As a preacher and speaker, I invite meaningful reflection for practical application, while offering a healthy dose of challenge for the sake of collective transformation. Some of my favorite things to talk about:
Soul care for social change: The spiritual practices that sustain justice movements
Cultivating change-making communities: Lessons in grassroots organizing
Unpacking power and privilege: Discovering the places where we are captive or holding others captive so we can get free together
Let’s talk about having me as your next preacher, keynote lecturer, or panelist.
Workshops I have taught (alone or with one of my phenomenal comrades!)
Embodied Nonviolence: Antiracism in Action
Practical Nonviolence: Moving from Spirituality to Praxis
Gender Justice and Nonviolence
Retreats facilitation
Cultivating safe spaces for soul exploration, I guide participants in trying on creative and embodied prayer forms.